Jan. 15, 2025
Little Colt got to meet a few of his guardian angels earlier today when they were presented with a lifesaving award for saving him from drowning in October.

When Deputy Wolfe arrived at Colt's residence on Oct. 19, 2024, the toddler was unresponsive and not breathing by the deck of the family's pool. His mother was attempting CPR and Deputy Wolfe and zone partner Deputy Felbinger immediately took over life-saving measures. With the assistance of deputies Kaelin and Lafferty, Wolfe and Felbinger were able to resusitate Colt. When paramedics arrived Colt was breathing on his own and crying.
"Watching the body camera, it was hard to keep back the emotions and I will try to read this recommendation without tears," Sheriff H.D. 'Gator' DeLoach said. "Colt is here with us today."
Sheriff DeLoach made Colt an honorary deputy before presenting the deputies with their lifesaving award.
We are thankful to deputies Wolfe, Felbinger, Kaelin and Lafferty for their dedication to our community, to Colt and his family.
